Use Cases

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What people say about us

"A start-up who knows real estate inside and out. Deadlines met and a tool that is easy to use."

Barbara Monreal
Director of Asset Management at La Poste Immobilier

"This is the first time my teams have enjoyed using cash flow software."

Nicolas Rugieri
General Manager at Batipart

“It’s a tool that is very handy, very configurable, and that allows you to make different scenarios and different hypotheses, depending on the strategy that is taken by the property company.”

Sylvain Dumas
Strategy and Finance Director at Valimmo

"The advantage of SONEKA is that it meets the initial need to have a single tool for reporting, cash flow and the daily life of the building."

Arnaud Broussou
President of Colliers Global Investors

"SONEKA's financing tool provides us with all the options we need for each particular type of financing."

Ladislas De Laubespin
Fund Manager at Roche Dubar

"It was an excellent decision at the time to set up SONEKA.

Xavier de Saqui de Sannes
Director of Asset Management France at AEW

"In reality, it's about a change of mentality at every level."

Lucía Ortiz
Asset Manager at Montepino

"It's a tool that allows you to do a lot of segmentation for analysis and especially for configuring a proper long-term business plan."

David Romera
Head of Investment and Asset Management at Montepino

"It's the ultimate multifunctional tool.

Nicolas DURIEU
Project Manager Continuous Improvement RFI at Nhood