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Streamline your Business Plans with SONEKA

Cheng Peng

Centralising data, streamlining Business Plans: Naima BACHIRI, Asset Management Analyst, and Romain VANDEN WILDENBERG, Site Management Controller, share with us how SONEKA has optimized their work at Nhood.

What processes have you used SONEKA for?

Naima BACHIRI: I used SONEKA as part of the business plans and to calculate the IRRs of each asset projected over 15 years.

Romain VANDEN WILDENBERG We used SONEKA in the process of the 5-year plan we have to submit to corporate each year.

What's special this year is that we wanted to match the 5-year plan that we have to submit to corporate with the 15-year BP that the assets have to reproduce.

And in previous years, we've tried to work together, but at times the data was processed separately.

This year, we really worked on the same basis.

And that was a great added value and SONEKA enabled us to carry out this mission successfully.

So Nhood dreamed it, SONEKA did it.

How has using SONEKA changed your work?

Naima: SONEKA has enabled me to be more productive and efficient, because before I had to search for financial data in several different tools and Sharepoint, and sometimes even go and ask certain business lines. 

SONEKA has enabled me to centralise all the financial data in a single tool. For example, you can find the vacancy situation rental status monitoring cash-flow monitoring and asset valuation.

Generally speaking, what do you think of SONEKA?

Naima: SONEKA can only be beneficial and provide a number of solutions, because it's a multi-functional tool that will harmonise processes and enable us all to work in the same way.

It's going to simplify research, and also financial analysis, with the possibility of setting several benchmarks, and it's going to make reporting more rigorous, as well as automating the calculation of several financial models, such as IRRs and DCFs, among others. It's going to allow us to extract several reports, with a view by portfolio but also detailed by property.

Romain: Well, SONEKA is a powerful tool, so at Nhood we haven't got 100% to grips with it yet, but the fact that we can enter data and have an instant view of it is a great added value for us.

In terms of management control, we can also export a lot of data, such as CAPEX, OPEX and cash flow.

This helps us to feed our reporting and also to pass on data to the corporate level.

And SONEKA also allows us to forget about Excel for a while.

I think it's a great added value for the company.

What improvements do you expect from SONEKA, both in terms of the solution and its use by Nhood?

Naima: First of all, we need to identify the people who are responsible for each business line and who are needed to move the project forward.

Also, centralising all the anomalies found so that training can be provided or operating procedures updated.

And I would also say that I have more time to test certain subjects that seem important to me, such as market profiles and exit price calculation rules.

Romain: At Nhood, it's particular because SONEKA was deployed fairly quickly.

So the tool isn't necessarily complete, for example the calculation of Nhood fees and the implementation of charge ceilings wasn't integrated.

So I think the first improvement is to really be able to see all the data in SONEKA.

After that, the SONEKA team helped us find solutions to this shortcoming.

So thanks to them once again.

And then we expect SONEKA to process not just the 15-year business plan and the 5-year plan, but also the two estimates that we have to draw up during the year. 

After that, I was thinking more in terms of management control. I think we need to get better at producing reports because, as I was saying earlier, I don't think we're using SONEKA 100% and I think it could save us a lot of time at times.

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